PortForward WITHOUT PortForwarding for your RAT using Free VPN

PortForward WITHOUT PortForwarding for your RAT using Free VPN

I tried looking around, and didn't see any tutorial for this. It's an easy way to use a RAT (or any other thing that requires portforwarding) without forwarding ports (useful if your ISP is blocking them, you don't have a static IP, or you just don't understand how to portforward.).

I'll try to get some pictures up soon, but for now text should suffice.

To start off, you're going to need a couple of accounts; proXPN and no-ip.



proXPN is a free VPN program. Basically, for the noobs, this is like putting your computer behind a good proxy. When you connect, your IP appears to be one of proXPN's. The upside to using proXPN is that in a way, your NAT is bypassed, and you pretty much have a public IP (meaning no need to route ports through a router).

No-IP is a free DNS host site. You register, give the site an IP of yours, and they give you a DNS host that routes to that IP. So lets say you make a "imanoob.no-ip.info" dns, routed to your IP, then anything that goes to that address goes to your IP. It's like how when you go to "www.google.com", you're ACTUALLY going to "". The name google.com is just something for humans, but when you enter that, it gets sent to a DNS server, looks up the IP, then goes to the IP so you can see http://www.google.com. (I'm making these explanations vague for sake of noobs to compensate, don't jump my shit.)

Now, after you've registered, here's the magic.
Login and download the proXPN software.


Save it to your desktop and install it. Test it out; make sure you can connect.

Login to no-ip, and register a new host HERE:


For the hostname, put whatever you want (may depend on the RAT/DDOSER/ you're using, so make sure you know), and the IP address should auto-fill itself. The IP won't matter though; you'll see why soon.
Scroll near the bottom and CREATE THE HOST. You know have a DNS host that routes to your IP; congrats Thumbsup

Now, download the No-IP DNS Update Client software, HERE:


This software will make the DNS host you created route to your current IP when it changes automatically. The reason we need this is, every time you connect to the proXPN, your IP will slightly change, so it needs to be accurate.

Download the software and install it. For me, it didn't make a desktop icon, I may have not checked some box but look in your start menu (Windows) if it's not there. Log in with your no-ip info, and it should ask you what hosts you want to update. Check the box by your DNS host, and click SAVE.

Now, no matter what your IP is, this DNS host will route to your computer when this is running.

Fire up proXPN (if you haven't already) and you'll see that the IP proXPN says you have, and the IP that http://whatismyip.com/ says you have, is the same as what the DNS Update Client says your DNS HOST routes to.

Now, here's the pretty picture.

proXPN opens your ports for you. So, anything that connects to your proXPN IP, will automatically route correctly. Let's say you have a CyberGate RAT listening on port 81. Then anything that tries connecting to your no-ip DNS through port 81 will route correctly...get the picture?

When you set up your RAT/DDOSER, have them connect to your No-IP DNS on w.e port you want them to (Suggested ones are 81, 667, 1337, 3174).

FUD your Server, and test it out. You should get connections.

I know this is a very vague tutorial and not one of my best, but I'm in a rush. I'll try to get some pictures up soon, and some more detailed instructions.


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